Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Google's Matt Cutts - How Does Google Think About Search Quality When It Relies On Subjective Signals

The latest from Re-tweet Video, On Monday, May 20, 2013, Matt Cutts (Head of Webspam at Google) has just released another Webmaster Help video on YouTube. This time, Cutts respond to question asked by Dimwit: "How does Google think about search quality when it relies on subjective signals".

And the question of......

How can Google be confident with their SERPs, when relying on inherently subjective signals that influence which sites display (i.e. using human 'quality raters' to evaluate entire domains without the context of the search query itself)?

Here is the video for you all to watch:

Checked with reference to the documents mentioned below…
I covered this on Google Matt Cutts (mattcutts) on Twitter and then “SHARE” it on Google+. Matt Cutts did very well answering questions and explaining things.

Alok Raghuwanshi is an India-based SEO Professional, and author of an SEO and social media marketing blog. Take a look and let me know what you think by including your comment below. Thank you and have a great day.

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